Sexual and Gender Diversity

Champlain-Lennoxville is an inclusive campus, where people of any age, race, cultural background, religion, socio-economic class, physical and mental ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation are welcome! We believe that diversity is a collective treasure to be valued. We promote respect and offer services to ensure that all members of our community feel supported.

Champlain College encourages and supports the inclusion of LBTQ2S+ students, and as such, anyone with particular needs is invited to voice their concerns to the administration, the SEXed Peer Educators, or a member of the SAFEspace network. The College also aims to provide a learning environment free of discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia, and anybody who is a victim of or witness to discrimination is encouraged to inform the administration, the SEXed Peer Educators, or a member of the SAFEspace network.

Young Woman Holding Rainbow Flag with Joy

For Trans and Non-Binary People

Name Change

Champlain College – Lennoxville offers the possibility for trans and gender non-binary students to change their names on internal documentation (student lists, ID cards, class schedules) as well as in the computer system (Omnivox, MIO, Léa). To ask for a modification, please fill out the Name Change Request Form and send it to the Records’ Office at and provide them with your desired name. It is important to do this as early as possible, and definitely, before Orientation Day, if you wish for your name to be used during Orientation activities and by your teachers on the first day of class.

Please be aware that legal names still appear on graduate diplomas; an individual needs to complete a name change with the Quebec government before graduation if they wish to have their desired name appear on the certificate.

Informing Teachers

Although name changes are handled by the registrar’s office, trans and non-binary students are encouraged to contact their professors to make them aware of their pronouns. Students can do this by MIO before the first week of classes, or at any time after that.

Dear Professor [name],

My name is [Preferred name], and I will be attending your course [blank] on [days] at [time] this [term]. [optional: I am transgender and have not legally changed my name.] On your roster is my legal name, [Legal name]. I would greatly appreciate it if you refer to me as [Preferred name] and use [pronouns] when referring to me. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to starting your course next week.


[Preferred name]


If you have an issue with a teacher in relation to your name or pronouns, please contact the Academic Dean.


Champlain College has three all-gender, single-stall bathrooms in its main building and several gender-neutral bathrooms in other frequented areas of campus. Additionally, everyone is free to use the bathroom that best suits them.

Locations of gender-neutral bathrooms:

Champlain 149 (first floor)

Champlain 267 (second floor)

Champlain 339 (third floor)

Bandeen – 019 (basement)

Johnson –  near 111 (first floor)

Johnson – near 113 (first floor)

Johnson – beside 152 (first floor)

Johnson – “Hamilton bridge” (second floor)

Johnson – beside 322 (third floor)

Hamilton – 311 (third floor)

Hamilton – 312 (third floor)

Student Centre – Nursing hallway (second floor)

Pub – bar area (first floor)

Sports Centre – beside hallway leading to Fitness Room (ground floor)

Sports Centre – inside Health Services (ground floor)

Sports Centre – inside Fitness Room (ground floor)

Change Rooms

Students are welcome to use the change rooms they feel suit their gender identity and make them feel most comfortable. A gender-neutral family changing room is also available for student use in the basement of the Sports Centre.


The Champlain Residence apartments are separated by gender. The Residence team assigns apartments according to the gender students have identified in their requests. Students are welcome to request accommodations that suit their gender identity and make them feel most comfortable. Any concerns regarding assigned apartments or dynamics within the residence environment should be brought to the Residence Team ( or the Dean of Student Services (


Any student requiring academic accommodations related to their gender identity or sexual orientation is encouraged to speak with Student Services ( Students in the process of transitioning are welcome to speak with Student Services about academic accommodations.

Health Services

The campus health clinic is inclusive and available to all Champlain students. It offers a range of medical services, including assistance to students in the process of transitioning, such as post-op follow-up and administration of hormone injections and patches. Students are encouraged to call 819-822-2257 to inquire about the services offered.

Students can also consult the list below of community resources, some of which facilitate access to health services that are especially responsive to the needs of non-binary individuals and other members of LBTQ2S+ communities.

To Report Harassment or Violence

The College also aims to provide a learning environment free of discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia, and anybody who is a victim of or witness to discrimination is encouraged to inform the administration (, the SEXed Peer Educators, or a member of the SAFEspace network. You may also use the “Safe Chat & Text” window at the bottom-right of this page.

Community Resources

IRIS Estrie

505 Wellington S., Sherbrooke


Several services of interest to LBTQ2S+ community.

Focused on trans people, youth, and gay men and women.


819 415-2555 (leave a voice message)

TransEstrie is by and for trans and gender non-binary people, and it offers discussion groups, services and information, access to gender-affirming items, and also support to the friends and family of trans and non-binary members of our community.

Le Groupe Caméléon

Personal support, regular discussion groups, and a meeting place for trans people. Information on the transitioning process and referrals to trans-friendly resources.

Projet de Parrainage

Mentoring-based support and social venues for men questioning their sexual orientation.

Groupe Entre-Nous


French language discussion group for gay and bisexual men considering coming out or having recently come out.

Comité identités et orientation sexuelles et amoureuses libres du Cégep de Sherbrooke (Le CIOSAL)

CÉGEP de Sherbrooke’s LBTQ2S+ student association.

Association des gais, lesbiennes, bisexuel(le)s et alliés de l’UdeS (L’AGLEBUS)

University of Sherbrooke’s association for LBTQ2S+ students and their allies.

Le Groupe d’action trans de l’Université de Sherbrooke (GATUS)

Information, events, and promotion of trans issues on U de S campus. PROVIDES GENDER AFFIRMING ITEMS AT COST through IRIS Estrie, including binders, packers, gaffs, and prosthetic breast forms.

Interligne (formerly Gai Écoute)

Listening line: 1-888-505-1010 (toll free)

By Text: 1-888-505-1010 (toll free)

Online counselling and chat: (in English); (in French)

Free and confidential phone and internet counselling service for those with questions or concerns regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

GRIS Estrie

165 Moore St., Sherbrooke

819 434-6413

Advocacy group that fights homophobia and raises awareness about the realities of sexual minorities.

Project 10 / Projet Dix

2075 rue Plessis, Montreal

Listening line: 514-989-4585

Free and confidential counseling and support for individuals with questions or concerns regarding their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Aide aux Trans du Québec (ATQ)

Listening and Intervention Line: 1-855-909-9038 #1

Listening line for trans individuals. Monthly meetings in Quebec and Montreal. Assistance in person with medical, social and personal issues.

The “It Gets Better” Project

Worldwide movement to unite and inspire young people struggling with their sexual orientation and identity.

On Campus Resources

SAFEspace network

The SAFEspace initiative by SEXed aims to increase the visibility of sexual and gender diversity at Champlain, and to provide support for LBTQ2S+ students and employees at the college. If you see a SAFEspace sign on someone’s office, it means they have committed to listen without judgment and to be informed about the local support services that can help you. The network is made up of role models and dynamic spaces of dialogue to allow students to express a range of sexual and gender identities without fear of judgment or discrimination. The network also promotes inclusive educational practices for teachers and other employees, as well as discrimination-free classrooms.


Worried about your sexual health or romantic life? Need information on campus services or access to birth control? SEXed is here for you.

The Champlain community is invited to drop-in at the SEXed office (C-172) to chat confidentially, ask questions, get referrals to services, find out where to get free STI testing, or simply pick up free condoms, lubricant, sanitary products, and information pamphlets on a wide range of sexuality-related issues. Come by randomly or find a specific Peer Educator or faculty member during their office hours, posted outside the office door. You can also make an appointment at a convenient time through

Follow SEXed on Facebook (SEXed at Champlain) and Instagram (sexedchamplain) for interesting content and info about upcoming activities on campus.


The BU Pride Alliance is a dynamic group of Bishop’s and Champlain students who meet regularly to discuss issues and events pertinent to the LGBTQ2+ community. They hold events and activities that embrace, promote, and encourage diversity and the alliance between queer and straight students. They also offer peer counselling and a Pride Library for anyone seeking more help or info on LBTQ2S+ topics. The group is open to anyone—regardless of sexual orientation—who values and supports diversity.

For inquiries or comments, you may contact any member of the executive team via Facebook or email.

Counselling Services

Students experiencing challenges in their personal life related to their gender identity or sexual orientation are encouraged to make an appointment with the school counsellor. Students can also turn to members of SEXed (students and teachers)…

Campus Ministry

Campus ministry at Champlain College and Bishop’s University seeks to foster healthy faith and spirituality for members of all faiths and traditions. The Rev. Jesse Dymond, Campus Minister, is available for counselling and pastoral care, and welcomes concerns that often arise within the academic community: whether they involve spirituality in mental health, reconciling science and religion, interfaith dialogue, or grief and relationship issues. Check Bishop’s website for more information.

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