Visual Arts
Visual Arts Profile
Application Deadline
March 1st for the Fall Semester
This Program is for you if…
- You are curious and creative
- You value all forms of art
- You would like to explore various artistic techniques
- You want to express your personality through art

Program Description
The aim of the Visual Arts program is to offer students a balanced education where visual arts courses meet with general education. The program most certainly prepares students for university studies in the visual arts, art history, education and other related fields; however, it is clear that this program also offers students the possibility of entering a variety of programs within the Arts and Humanities at university. Graduates of the program can pursue advanced studies in fine arts, graphic design, photography, computer animation, art administration/ management, architecture, art history, art education, art therapy, as well as many independent skilled crafts.
This program is available in the Fall semester only.
Upon successful completion of the Visual Arts program, graduates will be ready to pursue higher studies in university and will be able to:
- Determine where they stand in relation to contemporary society and culture
- Develop an artistic intention
- Determine the role they play in society as emerging artists
- Use research methods and information technologies
- Use elements of visual language to express themselves in their own artworks
- Develop their artistic potential through a variety of practices
- Present and showcase their artistic creations
- Demonstrate attitudes that foster their personal, social and artistic development
The Comprehensive Assessment
The Comprehensive Assessment is a requirement that demonstrates students’ abilities to meet the program’s objectives. Students must successfully complete the Integrative Course. A self-directed project exhibited during the student art show, a 1750-word documented essay as well as a 20-minute presentation in front of a jury constitute the comprehensive assessment of the program. Through those three activities, students are expected to demonstrate their ability to situate themselves in respect to contemporary society, culture and art history.

Cost of Materials, Equipment and Software
When entering the Visual Arts program, students are asked to purchase the material needed for their different courses (ex.: brushes, pencils, ink, clay tool set, portable hard drive, etc.). The total cost for the two years in the program varies from $300 to $600, depending on the personal projects done by the student in his or her second year.
Although the College lends cameras and tripods, the length of the loan may not always be extended beyond class time. Students may therefore want to consider acquiring their own photographic equipment, as this will provide them with greater flexibility and possibilities when realizing projects for a variety of courses (Photography I and II, Design, Portfolio and Integrative). The camera used in the program is the Nikon DSLR D3200 Digital Camera. Acquiring a similar model, which may be from Canon, is absolutely acceptable. The estimated cost for a digital SLR camera, battery and charger is around $500, while the tripod usually costs around $140.
The software used in the Visual Arts program is Adobe Creative Suite Cloud: Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom. Students will have access to this suite on campus, but may want to subscribe to it if they plan to work extensively from home.
Certificate Holders
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
Non-Certificate Holders
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
What can I do with a DEC in Visual Arts?
Expressive Arts
- Drama
- Arts (Interdisciplinary)
- Cinema
- Communication (Media Creation – Film)
- Dance
- Teaching – Drama
- Music
Education and Leisure
- Physical Education (including teaching)
- Pre-School and Elementary Education
- Secondary School Education
- Second Language Instruction
- Special Education and Social Adaptation
- Sports Studies
- Outdoor Intervention
- Recreation, Culture, and Tourism
Applied Arts
- Arts
- Interior Design
- Industrial Design
- Art Education
- Media Creation – Interactive Media)
- Television
- Marketing
- Public Relations
- Cultural and Media Production Strategies
- Journalism
- Communication and Politics
- Graphic Communication
- Human and Organizational Communication
- Intercultural and Media Communication
- Video Game Design**
- French Language and Professional Writing
**Some universities might require additional courses for admission. Visit the university’s programs and admission links for their up-to-date admission requirements.

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