Application Deadline
March 1st for the Fall Semester
Students generally begin the Humanities sequence with a course in category 101, Knowledge, followed by a course in category 102, World Views. An attempt at both categories – with a pass in at least category 101 – is required before proceeding on to the “Block B” program-specific category. Students must complete one course from each category in order to receive a DEC.
Program overview
Collegial Objectives
Central to all Humanities courses at Champlain is practice in and development of more refined reflection, critical thinking and communication. Through interdisciplinary study of questions and issues important to human beings, students in Humanities will develop insights obtainable only through an interdisciplinary approach and will come to appreciate the inter-relationships in all their learning experiences. Students in Humanities will learn to reflect on, understand and become more involved in various dimensions of human experience and thereby to examine and better understand their own assumptions and values.