Fees and Admission Requirements


All Applicants
Application fee (non-refundable, payable to SRAM)
Late application fee
All Applicants
Application fee (non-refundable, payable to SRAM)
Late application fee
Full-Time Students
Services related to studies*
Auxiliary services**
Student Association***
Auxiliary service fee-Bishop’s University****
Full-Time Students
Services related to studies*
Auxiliary services**
Student Association***
Auxiliary service fee-Bishop’s University****

*partially covers the cost of the student identification card, academic and career information, counselling, learning centre.

**partially covers the cost of access to computers, pastoral services, socio-cultural activities, financial aid services.

***collected by College and remitted to student association.

****partially covers the cost of access to the library, the sports complex, health and social services.

*****Students have the option of making a voluntary contribution to the Champlain Foundation of $10.00 upon payment of their registration fees. The aim of the current fund drive is dedicated to financing student field trips and acquiring multimedia equipment for academic purposes.

Out-of-Province Students

Applicants from another province are subject to additional out-of-province fees of $1833.00/semester in the 2024-2025 school year (fee subject to change by Ministerial directives).

International Students

In addition to the full-time student fees, international students pay an evaluation fee ($85.00) and a tuition fee of $7,210.00/semester in the 2024-2025 school year (fee subject to change by Ministerial directives).

Part-time Students

A part-time student is one enrolled for less than 180 hours per semester, typically fewer than four courses.

Part-time tuition fees per hour*
  • Tuition fee for program courses $2.00/hr
  • Tuition fee for non-program courses $6.00/hr
  • Tuition fee for out-of-province students $8.95/hr
  • Tuition fee for international students $36.06/hr

*(Fee subject to change by Ministerial directives.)

Other part-time fees per course
  • Services related to studies $6.00
  • Registration $5.00
  • Auxiliary services $39.00
  • Auxiliary service fee-Bishop’s $13.00
  • Student Association  $35.00

All students must pay the $35.00 Student Association fee.


Upon College approval, part-time students in their last semester taking the exact number of courses required to finish their program will only pay the Other part-time fees per course noted above plus the $35.00 Student Association fee.

Other Fees

Foreign transcript file opening
Late registration
Late timetable pickup (first year students only)
Duplicate transcript
Course descriptions/outlines (per course)
Duplicate tax receipt
Proof of attendance or non-attendance
NSF cheque processing
I.D. card replacement
Co-Op Option (ATE)
Equivalence Request per course (maximum $100.00)
French Proficiency Assessment


A full or partial refund of the $260.00 student fee is applicable if a written request is submitted to the Records office before the first day of classes:

  • students who did not register for courses will receive a full refund;
  • students who registered for courses will receive a refund less the $20.00 registration fee.

A partial refund of $25.00 for Services Related to Studies shall be reimbursed to students who officially withdraw from all courses prior to the course withdrawal deadline.

close up of businessman receiving money bills

Government Loans and Bursaries

Financial aid in the form of Quebec Department of Education Loans and Bursaries is available to eligible full-time students at Champlain. Applications should be completed on-line on the Aide financière aux études website at www.afe.gouv.qc.ca .   The institutional code for Champlain-Lennoxville is 936001.  Additional information and assistance may be obtained from the Financial Aid Officer at Champlain Lennoxville.

The Financial Aid Officer is also available to refer students in extreme financial difficulties to the appropriate services for assistance.

Government loan application on an office table

Admission Requirements

Applications to Champlain College Lennoxville for full-time study must be made to a specific program. Applications are assessed on compulsory secondary school qualifications and academic performance for programs in high demand. Certain programs also require specific course pre-requisites.

check tick on a checklist on a blackboard

Quebec Secondary School Applicants

The basic admissions requirements of the College are defined by the Règlement sur le régime des études collégiales, Section II.  Candidates must meet the following requirements (subject to change by Ministerial directives):

  • The holder of a Secondary School Diploma (DES)
  • The holder of a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP) and has successfully completed the following subjects:
    • Secondary V Language of Instruction,
    • Secondary V Second Language,
    • Secondary IV Mathematics.
  • Instruction deemed equivalent by the College.

Post-Secondary Applicants

Students who have attended other institutions may have acquired credits and competencies recognized between Cegeps or Universities to fulfill diploma requirements.

Out-of-Province High School Applicants

To be admissible, students from another province must be completing the following and have a minimum of Grade 11 French Second Language (Grade 12 strongly recommended):

  • Alberta: Grade 11 (67-100 credits)
  • British Columbia: Grade 11
  • Manitoba: Grade 11 (minimum 13 credits )
  • New Brunswick: Grade 11 (minimum 12 or 13 credits, depending on regime)
  • Newfoundland: Grade 11 (minimum 24 credits)
  • Nova Scotia: Grade 11 (minimum 12 credits)
  • Ontario: Secondary School Diploma Grade 11 (minimum 22 credits)
  • Prince Edward Island: Grade 11 (minimum 12 credits)
  • Saskatchewan: Grade 11 (minimum 16 credits)

International Applicants

Students who have attended schooling systems outside of Canada need to have proof from the Ministry of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) or Service Régional d’admission du Montréal Métropolitain (SRAM) that their studies are equivalent to the Quebec Secondary V Diploma.

In the university classroom, a group of attentive students gathers, books and notes in hand, earnestly preparing for an upcoming lecture.


Students who do not pass 50% of the course load in which they registered in a given semester are placed on academic probation the following semester. The student is required to meet with an Academic Advisor to sign a probation contract, which clearly indicates the number of courses to be passed. Remedial activities will also be recommended to the student to improve chances of success.

Students who do not pass more than 50% of their course load for a second consecutive semester or who repeatedly fail more than 50% of their course load while in Cégeps will be suspended from the College for up to one academic year.

These students may be re-admitted on probation under certain conditions. Students must re-apply for admission to the College. Students who are re-admitted will be required to sign a re-admission contract.

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