Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

At Champlain-Lennoxville, sustainable development is treated with the utmost importance. In accordance with Champlain College’s Policy on Sustainable Development, the fundamental principals of sustainable development are considered in all of the College’s actions with partners and professionals associated with the college, as well as during all internal and external activities.

Some examples of Champlain-Lennoxville’s endeavours to protect the environment are energy and paper-reduction programs, as well as the election of a faculty member as director’s advisor on sustainable development. This faculty member, among other things, helps facilitate the initiatives of the Green Champlain student environmental group.

Green Champlain

The Green Champlain student group endeavours to promote sustainable development within the Champlain-Lennoxville community, with an emphasis on environmentalism. This student-led group initiates projects aimed at accomplishing this goal through education and hands-on methods.  Every semester, Green Champlain students decide what projects they would like to initiate! Our projects range anywhere from hands-on activities that accomplish concrete results, to education campaigns that sensitize the Champlain community about specific environmental issues. Building a vegetable garden at residence, running a composting service, and offering documentary screenings are only some examples!

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