Liberal Arts


Also known as Histoire et civilisation


  • An in-depth study of western civilization and beyond, from the ancient to the contemporary world
  • A multidisciplinary journey through the important ideas, events, and figures that have shaped the world we live in
  • A tight-knit community of dynamic students who engage in conversation inside and outside of the classroom
  • A rich education path that opens doors to a variety of university programs such as History, Education, Archaeology, Law, International Studies, Politics, Religion, Business, Communications, Philosophy, and more
  • A set of transferable skills that make Liberal Arts graduates excellent candidates in an ever-changing job market
  • The freedom to choose from a variety of optional courses to explore areas of special interest
  • The possibility of pursuing the International Studies enrichment option
  • Passionate and accessible teachers
  • And much more!
Untitled design (3)
Untitled design (1)



GENERAL PROFILE (700.GE):  Math 416 or 568416 or 563404, CST Level 4


MATH PROFILE (700.GM):  Math 526 or 564506 or 565506, TS or SN Level 5



Liberal Arts offers a unique and in-depth exploration of the ideas, events, and figures that have contributed to the development of western civilization and our contemporary global world. By studying the past, students gain a solid understanding of the present, and a critical outlook on the future. The program is structured chronologically over four semesters, starting with the ancient world and concluding with the world today. Each semester focuses on a particular historical period and enables students to make connections between history, literature, philosophy, art, religion, and science. Students also choose four optional courses based on their individual interests and their academic goals. By the end of their program, students possess excellent skills in critical reading, thinking, and writing. Liberal Arts at Champlain offers a solid preparation for university and graduates of the program successfully pursue studies in a variety of different fields. After university, our graduates are strong, adaptable, and in-demand candidates on the job market.



Students will achieve the general objectives of the Liberal Arts program across all of the components of the curriculum. These objectives are to enable students to:

  • situate the development of Western civilization since ancient times within its historical context;
  • understand and appreciate major themes and forms of imaginative or artistic expression, and the aesthetic sensibility, in the arts and in literature in the language of instruction;
  • understand and evaluate important ideas in Western religious, philosophical and scientific thought, and their character and influence in Western and other societies;
  • communicate clearly and coherently;
  • use the work and research methods specific to various fields of learning as an independent learner;
  • use appropriate information processing technologies;
  • take responsibility for their intellectual and personal development.



One of the features that distinguishes Liberal Arts from other pre-university programs is that its students are required to take Optional Courses rather than Complementary Courses. Program-specific courses in disciplines such as History, Ancient Civilization, Philosophy, Religion, and Art History are considered sufficient to meet the “breadth” requirement; accordingly, Optional Courses are understood as “extensions” of the knowledge and skills that Liberal Arts students acquire in their program-specific courses.


There are between 165 and 225 hours (6 2/3 and 8 credits) to assign to Optional Courses, each of which must be attached to a different Optional Objective. In order to fulfill this requirement, students in the Math Profile will take three Optional Courses starting with Differential Calculus in semester one, one Optional Course in semester three, and one Optional Course in semester four. In the General Profile, students will take one Optional Course each semester.



The Liberal Arts Integrative Course occupies an important place in the Liberal Arts curriculum. In addition to giving students the opportunity to work in-depth in an area that has special interest to them, their research project serves as the basis of their Comprehensive Assessment; the purpose of which is to ensure that students have integrated the knowledge and skills required of the Liberal Arts Program. The Comprehensive Assessment consists of an oral presentation to a forum of students and faculty in the Liberal Arts program, as well as other interested observers, including family members. The presentation amounts to a summary of the student’s research project in the Liberal Arts Integrative Course.

PROGRAM GRID ➡️ Certificate Holders

Total courses: 30
Total credits: 56 2/3

Semester 1

Physical Education 109-101-MQ
College English 603-101-MQ
French – General 602-xxx-MQ
Greco-Roman Foundations 332-110-LE
Ancient Philosophy 340-910-LE
Liberal Arts Methodology 360-141-LE
Thinking about Religion 370-121-LE
Optional Course

Semester 2

French – Specific 602-xxx-MQ
English for Social Sciences 603-BEK-LE
Humanities – Knowledge 345-101-MQ
Middle Ages in Europe 330-254-LE
Principles of Logic 340-200-LE
Themes in Art 520-203-LE
Optional Course

Semester 3

Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
Humanities – World Views 345-102-MQ
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
Birth of the Modern World 330-113-LE
Modern Philosophy 340-321-LE
Philosophy and History of Science 340-322-LE
Liberal Arts Seminar Course 360-341-LE
Optional Course

Semester 4

Humanities – Ethics 345-BEL-LE
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
The World Today 330-984-LE
Social and Political Philosophy 340-913-LE
Liberal Arts Integrative Course 360-441-LE
Optional Course

PROGRAM GRID ➡️ Non-Certificate Holders

Total courses: 30
Total credits: 56 2/3

Semester 1

Physical Education 109-101-MQ
College English 603-101-MQ
Oeuvres narratives et écriture 602-UF0-MQ
Greco-Roman Foundations 332-110-LE
Ancient Philosophy 340-910-LE
Liberal Arts Methodology 360-141-LE
Thinking about Religion 370-121-LE
Optional Course

Semester 2

Poésie, théâtre et écriture 602-UF1-MQ
English for Social Sciences 603-BEK-LE
Humanities – Knowledge 345-101-MQ
Middle Ages in Europe 330-254-LE
Principles of Logic 340-200-LE
Themes in Art 520-203-LE
Optional Course

Semester 3

Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
Humanities – World Views 345-102-MQ
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
Birth of the Modern World 330-113-LE
Modern Philosophy 340-321-LE
Philosophy and History of Science 340-322-LE
Liberal Arts Seminar Course 360-341-LE
Optional Course

Semester 4

Humanities – Ethics 345-BEL-LE
Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
Comparaison d’oeuvres littéraires 602-UF2-MQ
The World Today 330-984-LE
Social and Political Philosophy 340-913-LE
Liberal Arts Integrative Course 360-441-LE



Art history
520-203-LE THEMES IN ART (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course is a general introduction to the study of art and aesthetics. In this course students will approach art history through the analysis of artistic achievements in Western culture. Students will trace the development of specific themes throughout Greek and Roman antiquity into Christian developments (early Christian, Byzantine, medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods), as well as the later transformation of these selected themes in the modern and contemporary periods.

Ancient civilization
332-110-LE GRECO-ROMAN FOUNDATIONS (2-1-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course will examine the key contributions of Greek and Roman cultures to the development of Western civilization. We will start with the 6th century B.C.E., the start of Ancient Greece, up to the 6th century C.E. with the Fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476. A cultural and interdisciplinary approach will be taken. Greco-Roman cultures will be defined in the first part of the course by inter-relating political, social, economic, and cultural developments. Through the students’ engagement with a wide variety of textual and visual sources, students will gain an understanding of the term “classical antiquity.” In the second half of the course, students will apply their knowledge of the Greco-Roman heritage to later developments and contexts from post-classical to contemporary times.

330-113-LE BIRTH OF THE MODERN WORLD (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

Birth of the Modern World familiarizes students with the forces and events that shaped the world from around 1450 to 1900, and reflects a chronological continuation of the material studied in The Middle Ages. This course takes students on a global journey from the Renaissance to the eve of the 20th century. The material focuses on both Western and non-Western societies and the increasing interaction between the two.

330-254-LE THE MIDDLE AGES IN EUROPE (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

In this course, students will apply the skills they acquired in Approaches to the Greco‐Roman Heritage to an analysis of the rise of Western Europe from approximately 800 to the Age of Discovery. The major topics to be covered include: the triumph of the Catholic Church; the Feudal Era (knighthood, chivalry, the courtly romance, marriage, family, and social status); the evolution of the nation-state; the effects of plague and pestilence; the Renaissance (humanism, secularization, and the re-emergence of the individual); the Reformation; and the expansion into new worlds. In this course students will apply their knowledge of the principles and methods of historical work to examine the medieval period in order to become more familiar with the methods employed by historians to study the past.
(Prerequisite: 332-110-LE, or permission of the instructor)

330-984-LE THE WORLD TODAY (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

The World Today familiarizes students with the forces and events that have shaped and changed the world since 1914 and reflects a chronological continuation of the material studied in The Birth of the Modern World. This course traces a dynamic and winding path from the outbreak of the First World War to the world as we know it in the twenty-first century. The course will focus on the Western and non-Western societies, and the interaction between the two.

360-141-LE LIBERAL ARTS METHODOLOGY (1-2-1) 45 HRS / 1 1⁄3 CR

This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and methods of valid research, critical analysis and effective writing in the general area of the Liberal Arts. Guiding students from the first steps in research work to the finished written product, the course will not only provide students with the skills they need to develop and master at each level, but will also help them to understand the underlying ideas, issues and problems involved in research and writing in the different fields and disciplines included in the Liberal Arts. Above all, the course aspires to generate among students the abiding enthusiasm for learning that comes from scholarly research and writing in the Liberal Arts.


In the Liberal Arts Seminar course, students will solidify research skills acquired in their first-year courses, more specifically Liberal Arts Methodology and Principles of Logic and Math. Taking a step further, this course emphasizes interdisciplinarity, or the integration of several disciplines and their methods in the research process. Students will formulate a research question, justify using an interdisciplinary approach, identify relevant disciplines, and conduct proper research, to eventually produce an interdisciplinary understanding of their topic. Doing so, students will further develop their knowledge and research skills in the Liberal Arts fields and disciplines.
(Prerequisite: 360-141-LE)


This course gives students an opportunity to explore in some depth a topic of their own choosing, using a multi-disciplinary approach. For example, a student might investigate ideas about personal identity in literary works and philosophical theories. Or, Anthropology, History and English could provide sources for a study of attitudes towards nature. While some proposals may not be appropriate for this course, students should feel free to propose any theme they would be interested in probing.
(Prerequisite: 360-341-LE)

340-200-LE PRINCIPLES OF LOGIC (2-2-2) 60 HRS / 2 CR

In this course students will gain an understanding of the structure of arguments, both deductive and inductive, and will practice evaluating such arguments. The exercises done in all modules of the course will emphasize the mastery of written language, and the clear articulation of thoughts.

340-321-LE MODERN PHILOSOPHY (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course will examine the central doctrines of 17th through 19th philosophical thought, in the context of the major institutions (scientific, religious and political) that influenced their development, and upon which, in turn, they exerted influence. Among the major figures covered are Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche. Twentieth century developments examined will include schools such as pragmatism, existentialism, and phenomenology.


The focus of the course will be on the turning points in the history of science. Although the course will look at the history of science from ancient times, the key period studied will be the modern era. The story of the modern emergence of empirical science begins with Copernicus, and culminates with Newton’s formulations of the Universal Law of Gravity and the Three Laws of Motion and the aftermath of these. Special attention will be given to the work and method of Galileo as the key pioneer in the development of what we today refer to as the scientific method. The story of the subsequent development of science will be traced, followed by the beginnings of a new revolution which characterizes the twentieth century.

340-910-LE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

In this course, students will focus on the philosophers of ancient Greece: the pre-Socratics, Plato, and Aristotle. The process of acquiring a critical understanding of some of the specific theories put forward by these thinkers will be guided by a number of general aims. First, the concern will be to understand the birth and early development of Western philosophy in its own historical context. The second general goal will be to develop an appreciation of the importance of ancient Greek philosophers for determining the subsequent shape of Western civilization. Third, the value of studying ancient philosophy is not merely historical. As many of the ideas developed then are still quite relevant, students will also examine what ancient philosophy can offer to the analysis of contemporary society and its problems. Finally, the study of these ancient philosophers will provide a vehicle for helping students develop basic skills in thinking philosophically.


In Social and Political Philosophy, students will become familiar with key thinkers who have shaped the way we view social and political ideas and institutions in the West. We will encounter texts addressing notions such as democracy, liberalism, communism, freedom, justice, and equality in order to better understand the foundational ideas behind our contemporary socio-political situation and its various challenges. Social and Political Philosophy is designed to enable students to make meaningful connections between socio-political notions and developments in history, the sciences, and the arts.

370-121-LE THINKING ABOUT RELIGION (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course introduces students to the study of religion, paying particular attention to the following three interrelated items: first, the origin, evolution, and contemporary expressions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; second, the contribution of ancient Greek philosophy to the development of these three religious traditions; and, third, secularization and the re-emergence of religion in the 20th and 21st centuries. Over the course of the semester, students will have the opportunity to compare and contrast these three Western religious traditions to non-Western religious traditions, e.g., Buddhist and Native American.

PROGRAM GRID ➡️ Certificate Holders

Total courses: 29
Total credits: 58

Students in the Math Profile take Differential Calculus in semester 1, Integral Calculus (or an Optional Course) in semester 3, and Linear Algebra (or an Optional Course) in semester 4.

Semester 1

Physical Education 109-101-MQ
College English 603-101-MQ
French – General 602-xxx-MQ
Greco-Roman Foundations 332-110-LE
Ancient Philosophy 340-910-LE
Liberal Arts Methodology 360-141-LE
Thinking about Religion 370-121-LE
Differential Calculus 201-103-LE

Semester 2

French – Specific 602-xxx-MQ
English for Social Sciences 603-BEK-LE
Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
Humanities – Knowledge 345-101-MQ
Middle Ages in Europe 330-254-LE
Principles of Logic 340-200-LE
Themes in Art 520-203-LE
Optional Course

Semester 3

Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
Humanities – World Views 345-102-MQ
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
Birth of the Modern World 330-113-LE
Modern Philosophy 340-321-LE
Philosophy and History of Science 340-322-LE
Liberal Arts Seminar Course 360-341-LE
Integral Calculus 201-203-LE

Semester 4

Humanities – Ethics 345-BEL-LE
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
The World Today 330-984-LE
Social and Political Philosophy 340-913-LE
Liberal Arts Integrative Course 360-441-LE
Linear Algebra 201-105-LE

PROGRAM GRID ➡️ Non-Certificate Holders

Total courses: 29
Total credits: 58

Semester 1

Physical Education 109-101-MQ
College English 603-101-MQ
Oeuvres narratives et écriture 602-UF0-MQ
Greco-Roman Foundations 332-110-LE
Ancient Philosophy 340-910-LE
Liberal Arts Methodology 360-141-LE
Thinking about Religion 370-121-LE
Differential Calculus 201-103-LE

Semester 2

Poésie, théâtre et écriture 602-UF1-MQ
English for Social Sciences 603-BEK-LE
Humanities – Knowledge 345-101-MQ
Middle Ages in Europe 330-254-LE
Principles of Logic 340-200-LE
Themes in Art 520-203-LE
Optional Course (Linear Algebra OR Integral)

Semester 3

Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
Humanities – World Views 345-102-MQ
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
Birth of the Modern World 330-113-LE
Modern Philosophy 340-321-LE
Philosophy and History of Science 340-322-LE
Liberal Arts Seminar Course 360-341-LE

Semester 4

Humanities – Ethics 345-BEL-LE
English 102 or 103 603-xxx-MQ
Physical Education 102 or 103 109-xxx-MQ
Comparaison d’oeuvres littéraires 602-UF2-MQ
The World Today 330-984-LE
Social and Political Philosophy 340-913-LE
Liberal Arts Integrative Course 360-441-LE



Art history
520-203-LE THEMES IN ART (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course is a general introduction to the study of art and aesthetics. In this course students will approach art history through the analysis of artistic achievements in Western culture. Students will trace the development of specific themes throughout Greek and Roman antiquity into Christian developments (early Christian, Byzantine, medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods), as well as the later transformation of these selected themes in the modern and contemporary periods.

Ancient civilization
332-110-LE GRECO-ROMAN FOUNDATIONS (2-1-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course will examine the key contributions of Greek and Roman cultures to the development of Western civilization. We will start with the 6th century B.C.E., the start of Ancient Greece, up to the 6th century C.E. with the Fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476. A cultural and interdisciplinary approach will be taken. Greco-Roman cultures will be defined in the first part of the course by inter-relating political, social, economic, and cultural developments. Through the students’ engagement with a wide variety of textual and visual sources, students will gain an understanding of the term “classical antiquity.” In the second half of the course, students will apply their knowledge of the Greco-Roman heritage to later developments and contexts from post-classical to contemporary times.

330-113-LE BIRTH OF THE MODERN WORLD (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

Birth of the Modern World familiarizes students with the forces and events that shaped the world from around 1450 to 1900, and reflects a chronological continuation of the material studied in The Middle Ages. This course takes students on a global journey from the Renaissance to the eve of the 20th century. The material focuses on both Western and non-Western societies and the increasing interaction between the two.

330-254-LE THE MIDDLE AGES IN EUROPE (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

In this course, students will apply the skills they acquired in Approaches to the Greco‐Roman Heritage to an analysis of the rise of Western Europe from approximately 800 to the Age of Discovery. The major topics to be covered include: the triumph of the Catholic Church; the Feudal Era (knighthood, chivalry, the courtly romance, marriage, family, and social status); the evolution of the nation-state; the effects of plague and pestilence; the Renaissance (humanism, secularization, and the re-emergence of the individual); the Reformation; and the expansion into new worlds. In this course students will apply their knowledge of the principles and methods of historical work to examine the medieval period in order to become more familiar with the methods employed by historians to study the past.
(Prerequisite: 332-110-LE, or permission of the instructor)

330-984-LE THE WORLD TODAY (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

The World Today familiarizes students with the forces and events that have shaped and changed the world since 1914 and reflects a chronological continuation of the material studied in The Birth of the Modern World. This course traces a dynamic and winding path from the outbreak of the First World War to the world as we know it in the twenty-first century. The course will focus on the Western and non-Western societies, and the interaction between the two.

360-141-LE LIBERAL ARTS METHODOLOGY (1-2-1) 45 HRS / 1 1⁄3 CR

This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and methods of valid research, critical analysis and effective writing in the general area of the Liberal Arts. Guiding students from the first steps in research work to the finished written product, the course will not only provide students with the skills they need to develop and master at each level, but will also help them to understand the underlying ideas, issues and problems involved in research and writing in the different fields and disciplines included in the Liberal Arts. Above all, the course aspires to generate among students the abiding enthusiasm for learning that comes from scholarly research and writing in the Liberal Arts.


In the Liberal Arts Seminar course, students will solidify research skills acquired in their first-year courses, more specifically Liberal Arts Methodology and Principles of Logic and Math. Taking a step further, this course emphasizes interdisciplinarity, or the integration of several disciplines and their methods in the research process. Students will formulate a research question, justify using an interdisciplinary approach, identify relevant disciplines, and conduct proper research, to eventually produce an interdisciplinary understanding of their topic. Doing so, students will further develop their knowledge and research skills in the Liberal Arts fields and disciplines.
(Prerequisite: 360-141-LE)


This course gives students an opportunity to explore in some depth a topic of their own choosing, using a multi-disciplinary approach. For example, a student might investigate ideas about personal identity in literary works and philosophical theories. Or, Anthropology, History and English could provide sources for a study of attitudes towards nature. While some proposals may not be appropriate for this course, students should feel free to propose any theme they would be interested in probing.
(Prerequisite: 360-341-LE)

340-200-LE PRINCIPLES OF LOGIC (2-2-2) 60 HRS / 2 CR

In this course students will gain an understanding of the structure of arguments, both deductive and inductive, and will practice evaluating such arguments. The exercises done in all modules of the course will emphasize the mastery of written language, and the clear articulation of thoughts.

340-321-LE MODERN PHILOSOPHY (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course will examine the central doctrines of 17th through 19th philosophical thought, in the context of the major institutions (scientific, religious and political) that influenced their development, and upon which, in turn, they exerted influence. Among the major figures covered are Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche. Twentieth century developments examined will include schools such as pragmatism, existentialism, and phenomenology.


The focus of the course will be on the turning points in the history of science. Although the course will look at the history of science from ancient times, the key period studied will be the modern era. The story of the modern emergence of empirical science begins with Copernicus, and culminates with Newton’s formulations of the Universal Law of Gravity and the Three Laws of Motion and the aftermath of these. Special attention will be given to the work and method of Galileo as the key pioneer in the development of what we today refer to as the scientific method. The story of the subsequent development of science will be traced, followed by the beginnings of a new revolution which characterizes the twentieth century.

340-910-LE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

In this course, students will focus on the philosophers of ancient Greece: the pre-Socratics, Plato, and Aristotle. The process of acquiring a critical understanding of some of the specific theories put forward by these thinkers will be guided by a number of general aims. First, the concern will be to understand the birth and early development of Western philosophy in its own historical context. The second general goal will be to develop an appreciation of the importance of ancient Greek philosophers for determining the subsequent shape of Western civilization. Third, the value of studying ancient philosophy is not merely historical. As many of the ideas developed then are still quite relevant, students will also examine what ancient philosophy can offer to the analysis of contemporary society and its problems. Finally, the study of these ancient philosophers will provide a vehicle for helping students develop basic skills in thinking philosophically.


In Social and Political Philosophy, students will become familiar with key thinkers who have shaped the way we view social and political ideas and institutions in the West. We will encounter texts addressing notions such as democracy, liberalism, communism, freedom, justice, and equality in order to better understand the foundational ideas behind our contemporary socio-political situation and its various challenges. Social and Political Philosophy is designed to enable students to make meaningful connections between socio-political notions and developments in history, the sciences, and the arts.

370-121-LE THINKING ABOUT RELIGION (3-0-3) 45 HRS / 2 CR

This course introduces students to the study of religion, paying particular attention to the following three interrelated items: first, the origin, evolution, and contemporary expressions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; second, the contribution of ancient Greek philosophy to the development of these three religious traditions; and, third, secularization and the re-emergence of religion in the 20th and 21st centuries. Over the course of the semester, students will have the opportunity to compare and contrast these three Western religious traditions to non-Western religious traditions, e.g., Buddhist and Native American.


Human Society

  • Anthropology and Ethnology
  • Social Communication
  • Demography
  • International Development
  • Economics **
  • Economics and Politics
  • Classical Studies
  • International Studies
  • First Peoples Studies
  • Geography and Regional Planning **
  • History
  • Art History
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Historical Sciences and Heritage Studies
  • Social Sciences
  • Sociology
  • Theology
  • Urbanism

Education and Leisure

  • Physical Education (including teaching)
  • Pre-School and Elementary Education
  • Secondary School Education
  • Second Language Instruction
  • Special Education
  • Sports Studies
  • Outdoor Intervention
  • Recreation, Culture, and Tourism


  • Archaeology and Ancient Studies
  • German Studies**
  • English Studies**
  • French Studies**
  • Hispanic Studies**
  • Literary Studies**


  • Media Creation
  • Interactive Media
  • Television
  • Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Journalism
  • Communication and Politics
  • Graphic Communication
  • Video Game Design**
  • French Language and Professional Writing


  • Modern Languages**
  • Linguistics**
  • Translation**

**Some universities might require additional courses for admission. Visit the university’s programs and admission links for their up-to-date admission requirements.


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