Accessibility & Accommodations

The College offers support services for students with physical impairments and/or learning difficulties

You can access this service through the Accessibility Services Office, located on the first floor of Champlain main building, office C-131. Someone is available Monday to Friday to offer the appropriate services you may need.

Facilities for Students with Physical Impairments

All of the campus’s administrative and educational facilities, including most classrooms, library, fine arts and music buildings, sports centre, chapel, student lounges and cafeteria, are accessible to persons with physical impairments. Students with specific special requirements should contact the Accessibility Services Office.

Services for Students Needing Accommodations

Champlain-Lennoxville responds to the needs of students needing accommodations on an individual basis. If you are a student with documented accommodations, you are requested to make this known to the Accessibility Services Office prior to attending classes.

While the college cannot offer an extensive psychoeducational diagnosis of suspected learning disabilities, we are prepared to assist with professional referrals for such assessment. We also provide counselling, and acquaint the student with the support services available.

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