Champlain Students’ Association

The Champlain College Students’ Association-Lennoxville, better known as the CSA, is a fully recognized incorporated company owned and run by the students. Every full-time regular day sector student becomes a member of the CSA upon payment of the CSA Activity Fee required for registration at Champlain, and all students are entitled to the use of services offered by the Association. The CSA represents the students in their everyday concerns, be they social, economic, environmental, or academic. There are positions on the Council that represent all of the academic programs, as well as residence and off-campus students, clubs and organizations, part-time and mature students.


The CSA offices are located in the Student Union Building.  You may reach the General Manager at 819-564-3666 x 2324 and the Student Association at x 2325.

Emma Proulx – President –

Gabriel Geraghty – V.P. Academic –

Éliot Dubé – V.P. External & Communications –

Annabelle Vellend  – V.P. Internal –

Antoine Laplante – Chief Returning Officer

Activities organized and sponsored by the CSA include, for example, Welcome Week, Cougar Spirit Day (fall semester) and Cougar Pride Day (May), the Used Book Sale, Champlain’s Got Talent (held in March) and the Graduation ceremonies. The CSA sponsors, among other projects, Free Exam Care Packages, and academic awards.